Now that you already know something about the protagonist of the tale. What about listening to a fragment of it?

      Did you like it? So listen to it again, but paying attention to be able to fill the gaps of the following sentences:

  • Gepetto ____________ a carpenter. He ____________ thing out of wood.
  • 'Are you a good boy?' __________ Gepetto.
  • But Gepetto ___________ his son and so he ___________ after him.
  • He ___________ to grab the wooden puppet but Pinocchio __________ faster and faster.
  • Then he ___________ a voice.
  • There ____________ a green cricket on the wall, and it ___________ very bright eyes.
  • Then Pinocchio ____________ another bad thing.
  • He _____________ inside, and then he ____________ back to the windows [...].
  • Then Pinocchio _____________ to cry. [...] And he ___________ all alone. 
  • Gepetto ____________ to be hungry. But then he ___________ Pinocchio's poor __________ feet.
  • When Gepetto _________.
  • 'Oh, Dad!' __________ Pinocchio. 'You ___________ your coat to buy my book, ____________ you?

NOTE: As a help to carry out the exercise, I leave you down here a table with the verbs (in infinitive) which you will have to use.  


be (3) – run (2) – want – begin – make – say – come – hear – see – return – do – go – seld – do 
 (not) – burn – have

      Now, you can try to write all the verb tenses you have listened to in the tale. Make a list with them. Have you heard any verb in the future tense?




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