Did you like the end of the tale? Well, it hasn't still finished. You can read it all bellow.

       Next, after  you read the whole tale, you have to share your opinion with your group about the following questions:
  • Do you think Pinocchio had a correct behaviour? Why?
  • Do you agree with Gepetto's reaction? Why?
  • Did Pinocchio react in a correct way after listening to the cricket?
      When you have finished, think in a similar situtation in which you ran away and the reaction of your family when you returned.Then write a small composition (minimum of 60 words) that you will read aloud to your partners. The most amusing and entertaining will be posted in the blog.

      Finally, think in something original that could happen to Pinacchio every time he lied instead of the growing nose. Write it and create an online wallpaper with it, using the Padlet tool.

I hope you have enjoyed the activities and learned a lot!!


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